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Process Validation



Process Validation is the most critical part of the entire validation program. Yet, most validation contractors do not offer competent process validation services. Not so at Gavin Pharmaceutical Services. Led by a president with years of industry experience across the spectrum of pharmaceutical dosage forms, this unusual validation contractor brings excellence in process validation services to your door.

Key Areas of Expertise

  • Process Evaluation
  • Process Validation Planning
  • Process Validation Design and Execution


Process Validation is as complex as the process. In the world of pharmaceutical manufacturing, that can mean highly complex. Biotechnology adds another dimension of difficulty, often due to the uncharted waters of therapeutic innovation. We will evaluate the stage of process development and determine the simplest approach for your consideration.

We are experienced in experimental design for process optimization, an extensive approach which results in extremely rugged process results. We will develop process capability studies, determine the critical parameters for the process, and either execute or assist you in execution of the appropriate testing.

Process Evaluation
If this is your first experience with process validation, we will assist you in Process Evaluation. This may include an evaluation of the process ruggedness and repeatability. Ruggedness refers to the ability of a process to withstand challenge from variation in raw material characteristics, process parameter variation, equipment selection, and operator technique. Repeatability refers to the capability of the total process to maintain key quality attributes, batch after batch. Further, it is critical to evaluate the process equipment capability, including the results of process limits tests run during equipment qualification tests. The evaluation results will be used in the planning, design, and execution.
Process Validation Planning
We will advise you regarding the required analytical technology and the assay validation which must be in place before the study begins. If your laboratory is unable to provide the necessary support, we have relationships with contract laboratories which can do that for you.
Process Validation Design and Execution
We write process validation protocols to formalize the study design. We will oversee sample collection, evaluate results, and put it all together. We can provide sophisticated statistical analysis if required, as well.



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